off. Now, after the storm, I have some things to share with you, dear
reader. We got plastered, absolutely run over by some monster that
left us depleted and drenched in salt and cold, cold air. Never in my
life have I seen such huge waves. I was kidding before that they will
be the size of a movie complex…I didn't mean to tempt fate…they were
huge, and the wind: when my head finally hit the pillow with a soft
thud there was a ringing in my ears. This ringing is familiar to me,
it's the same I had after a heavy metal concert, this squeal of
expunged spiral ganglion. At one point we were heading North, yes,
North, towards Vancouver, Victoria, et al. But we made it, with high
spirits and hot meals in between. Through all 60 hours of it. But alas
the motion of the ocean did not sit well with one of us and we made a
detour to San Francisco. And so May 22, 2010, with flowers (seaweed)
in our hair we pulled in to a San Fran marina after passing under the
Golden Gate Bridge. Rory Keyes has left us, and gone back to more
stable ground. We tried to change his mind, but it was futile. This
morning he left on a jet plane, who knows when he'll be back again. We
are three now. We did some shopping, relaxed and recharged our
batteries (philosophically speaking) and are ready for round two.
Here, in California, the price of water = the price of wine, actually
wine is cheaper and we are on such a tight budget. 2$ per bottle of
red wine. We are currently testing the product we bought. It is called
paisano. It is a gallon jug. Tortilla Flats? Si, senor, red wine is
good. We are ready. Demain at 11, at slack tide we face le Pacifique
encore. This time though, it's suppose to be just trades and beautiful
mermaids and lots of sun. There is hurricane alley, but…
18 maja rano zaczelo coraz mocniej i mocniej wiac. Po kilku godzinach
juz jechalismy tylko na kliwerze sztormowym i podwojnie zarefowanym
grocie. Na nocnej wachcie stanie za sterem niewiele roznilo sie od
stania pod wodospadem, nno moze oprocz slonego smaku wody. Henrik na
swojej zmianie mial wiatr do 60 wezlow. Jak sie polaczy to z
bezgwiezdna noca, gdy nie widac fali, ktore nic tylko czekaja zeby
zalac sternika i zalamujac sie obrocic lodke dziobem do wiatru, robi
sie nieprzyjemnie. Rano wyszedlem na poklad i pomyslalem ze cos jest
nie tak. Fale zwiekszyly sie do tego stopnia, ze nie dalismy rady
jechac pod wiatr, wiec trzeba bylo zmienic kurs zeby przetrwac. Plynac
z wiatrem mielismy do wyboru albo jechac na polnoc, skad
przyplynelismy albo wprost na lad...
Na szczescie po jakichs siedmiu godzinach juz plynelismy tam gdzie
chcielismy. Przez kilka nastepnych dni towarzyszyly nam te olbrzymie
fale. Potwory. Do 9 metrow wysokosci i 80 dlugosci.
Rory od dluzszego czasu mial duzo watpliwosci, nawet czy w ogole
plynac czy nie. Caly czas od wyplyniecia chorowal; gdy nie stal za
sterem to spal. Sztorm jeszcze bardziej poglebil jego zle nastawienie,
jak sam mowil nie przezylby 30 dni na morzu. Tak wiec 22 maja, po 11
dniach na morzu wyladowalismy w San Francisco. Okazalo sie ze w sumie
nie musimy sie odprawiac. Jachtem mozna super latwo wyladowac w
stanach bez wizy.
Napelniamy lodke tanim alkoholem i jutro rano cisniemy dalej na
poludnie. We trojke.